Best course in Freedom to Operate search. Learn to perform professional FTO search and prepare a report.
What you'll learn
• Kinds of patent searches and need to perform the same
• Basics of FTO search, search techniques and formulation of search strings/strategies
• Identification of relevant patent documents and claim mapping
• Calculating term of patent, expiry date and legal status of the patent
• Assessing chances of infringement, taking into consideration legal framework of the desired jurisdiction
• Preparation of FTO report
Best Course in Step by Step Patent Search.
Learn to perform professional Patent Search and prepare a report
What you'll learn
• Kinds of patent searches and need to perform the same
• Statutory provisions necessary to know with respect to opinion on patentability
• Advantages of performing a patent search before filing for a patent
• Basics of patent search, search techniques and formulation of search strings/strategies
• Demonstration of steps to perform a patent search with examples
• Preparation of search report, writing opinion on patentability
Explore the art of patent information and knowledge management by this course
What you'll learn
• Patent as a Technical Information Source
• Approaches of Reading Patent
• Key layouts for obviousness, equivalence
• Patent basics and advanced
Learn Patent Drafting step by step
What you'll learn
• Basics of patent specification drafting
• Drafting a patent specification
• Techniques for claim drafting
• Different types of patent claims with examples
Best course to learn Infringement Search Step by Step.
What you'll learn
• Kinds of Infringement searches and need to perform a infringement search
• Basics of Infringement search techniques and formulation of search strings/strategies
• Identification of the statutory grounds that may be used to relevant product
• Mapping of product features with the given patents
• Preparing infringement report
Best course to learn Validation Search Step by Step.
What you'll learn
• Kinds of patent searches and need to perform a validity or invalidity search
• Basics of patent search techniques and formulation of search strings/strategies
• Identification of the statutory grounds that may be used to invalidate patent
• Mapping of prior art results with the given patents
• Write opinion on validation or invalidation of the patent
Detailed discussion on each and every section of Indian Patents Act 1970 and Rules.
What you'll learn
• Indian Patents Act
• Indian Patent Rules
• Illustrations
• Assessment questions
• Students will understand the patenting process in India with a global perspective.
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